For two centuries, the GrandPalaisRmn cast workshop has been bringing the greatest masterpieces of sculpture back to life by producing high-quality reproductions using unique processes, which combine traditional standards with the excellence of modern techniques. The cast collection kept in the workshop retraces the entire history of sculpture, an illustration of prehistoric art, Near Eastern, Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Etruscan, and Gallo-Roman antiquities, masterpieces from the French, Italian, and Northern European schools from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century.
Founded in 1797, the Chalcographie du Louvre is responsible for conserving and printing from a collection of several thousand engraved copperplates. Formerly housed in the Palais du Louvre, the ateliers d’art GrandPalaisRmn are now in Saint-Denis, north of Paris. Specialized craftspeople produce prints from original plates dating from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries. As the guardians of a traditional craft, they preserve, maintain, and pass on skills that are no longer practiced elsewhere. In this respect, the Chalcographie du Louvre workshop is recognized as an academy for this artistic profession.
Who are we?
The ateliers d’art de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux — Grand Palais (GrandPalaisRmn) bring together the Louvre Cast and Chalcographie workshops, both of which were founded during the French Revolution. As a public cultural establishment, GrandPalaisRmn aims to give as many people as possible an opportunity to share a sensorial experience of beauty through art and all forms of expression. Doing this involves many professionals who organize exhibitions, welcoming the public, provide cultural and digital mediation, publish books, manage museum shops, art workshops, the photo agency and acquisitions.
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